Looking beyond bloody good chap...

In this section I want to highlight some of the other fantastic blogs and webpages that exist outside of my own, I will be adding to the list regularly so I do hope you check them out! 


Jenny Eatwell's Rhubarb & Ginger

Jenny Eatwell has a real way with words and writes this lovely food blog with a tremendous amount of wit and verve. She has been one of my faithful followers for a while so it gives me great pleasure to recommend her thoroughly enjoyable writing!

The Arbuturian

Perhaps I shouldn't give this site publicity as it is certainly a project to look up to and for me to be envious of at the same time, for it covers the issues also found in this blog. However it is done with a fantastic amount of professionalism and flare. The articles are well written and informative and I must admit I have spent many hours pouring over the offerings from its very able team of writers. That is why I begrudgingly recommend it to you as the next place to go after reading this blog! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I am humbled and most definitely honoured by your words, my dear Chap. However, most of all, you have made me smile. Thank you. :)
